Карты техаса Перри-Кастанеда
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Updated 7/30/14
- Texas - Shaded Relief Map
- Portion of National Atlas of the United States of America, General Reference Map. U.S. Geological Survey, 2001 (838K) (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas
- 1:2,500,000 U.S.G.S. 1972 limited update 1990 (1.3MB) State and county boundaries, county names and county seats, rivers and lakes. Also available in sections as Texas (Eastern) (672K) and Texas (Western) (680K) (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas (Geology.com)
- Texas (Merriam Webster)
- Texas (World Sites Atlas)
- Texas - Aerial Photographs, Texas Coast (Texmaps)
- Texas - Airports (Texas-Map.org)
- Texas - Airports [NPIAS] (Federal Aviation Administration)
- Texas - Aquifer Maps (Texas Water Development Board)
- Texas - Aquifers, Major (Texas Water Development Board)
- Texas - Aquifers, Minor (Texas Water Development Board)
- Texas - Archeology - Texas Beyond History (Texas Archeological Research Laboratory)
- Texas - Area Codes Map (NANPA)
- Texas - Atlas of Rural and Community Health (Texas Tech University, Center for Geospatial Technology)
- Texas - Atlas of Texas 1976 (University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Business Research)
- Texas - Austin Maps (University of Texas Map Collection and external links)
- Texas - Bastrop Fires [2011] (Firefighterblog)
- Texas - BBQ Map (Google Maps/A. Cao)
- Texas - Biotic Provinces [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Birds - Hummingbird Range Maps [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department)
- Texas - Birds - Upper Texas Coast Birding Maps (TexasBirding.net)
- Texas - Blank outline maps (Netstate)
- Texas - Border Fence Map (Americanpatrol.com)
- Texas - Border Fence - Environmental Impact Statements and Maps [Click on Sector Name to view Environmental Impact Statements and Maps] (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/U.S. Customs and Border Protection/U.S. Border Patrol)
- Texas - Border Fence - Rio Grand Valley Fence Proposal (Austin American-Statesman)
- Texas - Census 2000 Thematic Maps (Texas State Data Center)
- Texas - Census Enumeration District Maps, 1940
- Texas - Central Texas Turnpike System Maps (Central Texas Turnpike System)
- Texas City Maps (University of Texas Map Collection and external links)
- Texas City Maps, Historical (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Climatic Atlas of Texas, 1983 [pdf format] (Texas Water Development Board formerly Texas Department of Water Resources)
- Texas - Cold Hardiness Zones (Aggie Horticulture Network)
- Texas - Colonias - Border Colonia Geography Texas Office of the Attorney General
- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality - Maps
- Texas - Congressional Districts - Maps (Texas Legislative Council)
- Texas - Congressional Districts, Red Viewer (Texas Legislative Council)
- Texas - Counties - Digital Atlas of Texas Counties (Texas Tech University, Center for Geospatial Technology)
- Texas - County Highway Maps (2012) (Texas Department of Transportation)
- Texas - County Highway Maps (1993-1996) (Texas Department of Transportation/University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - County Outline Map, with county names [pdf format] (U.S. Bureau of the Census / PCL Map Collection)
- Texas - County Outline Map, with county names [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - County Outline Map, with county names, latitude and longitude [pdf format] (U.S. Bureau of the Census / University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - County Outline Map, with county names [jpeg format] (U.S. Bureau of the Census / University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - County Outline Map, without county names [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - County Outline Map, with clickable links to county data (U.S. Bureau of the Census)
- Texas Department of State Health Services - Maps (Texas Department of State Health Services, Infectious Disease Control Unit)
- Texas Department of Transportation - Statewide Planning Map (Texas Department of Transportation)
- Texas - Digital Sanborn Maps (UT Austin users)
- Texas - Digital Sanborn Maps (TexShare library users) Contact your participating library for more information
- Texas - Drought Map (National Drought Mitigation Center)
- Texas - Drought Map - Communities With Less Than 90 Days of Water, May 2014 (KHOU/KENS)
- Texas - Drought Maps (TCEQ)
- Texas - Economic Development Maps (Texas Economic Development and Tourism)
- Texas - Ecoregions [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Ecoregions (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency)
- Texas - Ecoregions (Gould Ecoregions) [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Ecoregions (Level III Ecoregions) (Purdue University)
- Texas - Ecoregions (Level III Ecoregions) [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Edwards Aquifer Map (City of Austin)
- Texas - Edwards Aquifer Map (Edwards Aquifer Authority)
- Texas - Edwards Aquifer (Balcones Fault Zone) Region (Walter Geology Library, University of Texas)
- Texas - Edwards Aquifer, Generalized Thickness of Edwards Group and Associated Carbonate Formations (Walter Geology Library, University of Texas)
- Texas - Edwards Aquifer, Geologic Map (USGS)
- Texas - Edwards Aquifer - GIS Land Use/Land Cover Layers (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality)
- Texas - Edwards Aquifer - Map Viewer (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality)
- Texas - El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic Trail (El Camino Real de los Tejas)
- Texas - El Camino Real de los Tejas (Dept. of Interior) From National Historic Trail Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment July 1998
- Texas - Electric Generating Plants added 1995-2010 (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Electric Maps (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Electricity - Texas Reliability Council Boundaries Map (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Federal Lands and Indian Reservations 2003 [pdf format] (552K) (The National Atlas of the United States of America, U.S. Geological Survey) (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Frost Free Period (PlantMaps)
- Texas General Land Office - GIS Maps (Texas General Land Office)
- Texas General Land Office Map Collection (Texas General Land Office)
- Texas - Geologic Atlas of Texas (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin/Texas Water Development Board)
- Texas - Geology of Texas (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin)
- Texas - GIS Data (GISDataDepot)
- Texas - GIS Data (North Central Texas Council of Governments)
- Texas - GIS Data (Texas A&M University Library)
- Texas - GIS Data (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality)
- Texas - GIS Data (Texas General Land Office)
- Texas - GIS Data (Texas Natural Resources Information System)
- Texas - GIS Data (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - GIS Data (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6)
- Texas - GIS Data (University of Texas at Austin, School of Architecture)
- Texas - Hazard Mitigation Package - Data Layers and Map Viewer (Texas Geographic Society)
- Texas - High Plains Aquifer (U.S. Geological Survey)
- Texas - Highway Map - 2008 [pdf format] (5.1 MB) (Texas Department of Transportation)
- Texas - Highway Map - 2006 [pdf format] (5.3 MB) (Texas Department of Transportation)
- Texas - Highway Map - 2005 [jpeg format] (8.5 MB) (Texas Department of Transportation)
- Texas - Historical Maps Our collections and links to others
- Texas - Historical Maps (University of Alabama Historical Map Archive)
- Texas - Historical Maps (University of Texas at Arlington)
- Texas - Historical Maps - Bird's-Eye Views of Texas Cities (Amon Carter Museum)
- Texas - Historical Maps - Texas Beyond History (University of Texas at Austin, College of Liberal Arts)
- Texas - Historical Maps - Texas General Land Office Map Collection (Texas General Land Office)
- Texas - Historical Maps - Texas Historic Sites Atlas (Texas Historical Commission)
- Texas - Historical Maps - Texas Historical City Maps (PCL Map Collection)
- Texas - Historical Maps - Texas Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (Pre-1923) (PCL Map Collection)
- Texas - Historical Maps - Texas State Library Map Search (Texas State Library and Archives Commission)
- Texas - Historical Maps - Texas Topographic Maps (PCL Map Collection)
- Texas - Hurricane Evacuation Maps (Texas Department of Transportation)
- Texas - Hurricane Rita Maps [2005]
- Texas - I-35 Corridor Advisory Committee Report, January 2011 [with maps]
- Texas - Infectious Disease Maps (Texas Department of State Health Services)
- Texas - Lake Travis (Highland Lakes Recreational Guide)
- Texas - Lakes - Clickable Map (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Land Resource Map (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin)
- Texas - Land Survey (Earth Point)
- Texas - LATA Boundary Map (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Legislature, House and Senate Districts (Texas Legislative Council)
- Texas - Low-Lying Areas (2008) (3.7 MB) U.S. Geological Survey
- Texas - Lower Colorado River Authority - Maps (Lower Colorado River Authority)
- Texas - Make Your Own Color Coded Maps (Diymaps.net)
- Texas - Map Collections - Southern Methodist University, Central University Libraries
- Texas - Map Collections - Texas A&M University Libraries
- Texas - Map Collections - Texas General Land Office
- Texas - Map Collections - Texas State Library and Archives
- Texas - Map Collections - Texas Tech University
- Texas - Map Collections - University of Texas at Arlington Libraries
- Texas - Map Collections - University of Texas Libraries (Austin)
- Texas Map Society
- Texas - Map Viewer - ArcWeb Explorer (ESRI)
- Texas - Map Viewer - MapQuest (MapQuest)
- Texas - Metropolitan Statistical Areas [2004-2007] (Texas State Data Center)
- Texas - Mexico Border - Color Image Map Series, 1979-1983 (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Mileage Chart (Texas RV)
- Texas - Mileage Finder (Wild Texas)
- Texas - Military Installations (Texas Economic Development)
- Texas - Mines, Coal (Railroad Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Mines, Historical Coal Mining (Railroad Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Natural Regions [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Natural Regions, Numerical, in Black and White [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Natural Regions, Numerical, in Color [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Natural Regions with County Outlines [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Natural Regions with County Outlines and Names [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS)
- Texas - Natural Subregions, Black and White [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Natural Subregions, Color [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Nautical Chart - Rio Grande to High Island Not for Navigational Use (8.1MB) (NOAA/NOS)
- Texas - Nautical Charts (Non-Current) (NOAA)
- Texas - Ogallala Aquifer Map Series (Texas Tech University, Center for Geospatial Technology)
- Texas - Oil and Gas Leases - Interactive Maps (Texas General Land Office)
- Texas - Outdoor Burn Bans and Local Disaster Declarations (Texas Forest Service)
- Texas - Outline Map, blank (Enchanted Learning)
- Texas - Outline Map, with county names [jpeg format] (200K) (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Outline Map, without county names (39K) (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Outline Map, with dots for cities (50states.com)
- Texas - Panhandle - Amarillo, Lubbock and the Eastern Panhandle original scale 1:1,000,000 Portion of International Map of the World, sheet NI 14, U.S. Army Map Service, 1961 (968K) (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Park Maps (University of Texas Map Collection and external links)
- Texas - Physiographic Map (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin)
- Texas - Plant Hardiness Zones (Purdue University)
- Texas - Plant Taxa [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Population Density, 2010 (Texas State Data Center)
- Texas - Precipitation [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Prehistoric Texas (Texas Beyond History)
- Texas - Railroad Commission Maps (Railroad Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Railroads (Web Archive/Railroad Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Redistricting - Dictrict Viewer (Texas Legislative Council) [Redistricting Maps]
- Texas - Redistricting - Court Ordered Interim Plan - Congressional Map - February 28, 2012 (Texas Legislative Council) [JPEG]
- Texas - Redistricting - Federal Judges Propose Maps for Texas Legislative Races, November 17, 2011 - Maps at end of page (Texas Tribune)
- Texas - Redistricting - Texas Senate Approved Map, June 3, 2011 (Texas Tribune)
- Texas - Redistricting - Texas Congressional Districts - August 4, 2006 [PDF format] (Texas Legislative Council/University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Redistricting - Texas Congressional Districts - November 14, 2001 [PDF format] (Texas Legislative Council/University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Rio Grande Valley Map (Rio Grande Valley Partnership)
- Texas - Rio Grande Valley Map (TheRioGrande Valley.com)
- Texas - River Authorities and Special Law Districts [pdf format] (Texas Water Development Board)
- Texas - River Basins (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin)
- Texas - River Basins and Major Bays, in Color [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - River Basins and Major Bays, in Color, with County Names [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - River Basins, Major Bays and Streams [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - River Basins, Outline Map [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Rivers, Reservoirs [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Rivers, Reservoirs and Major Bays [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Road Conditions (Texas Department of Transportation)
- Texas - Sabine River Authority GIS Data (Sabine River Authority of Texas)
- Texas - Safety Rest Areas Map (Texas Department of Transportation)
- Texas - Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (University of Texas Map Collection) Open Access
- Texas - Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps (UT Austin users)
- Texas - Satellite Image (Geology.com)
- Texas - Shaded Relief Map (838K) Portion of National Atlas of the United States of America, General Reference Map, 2001
- Texas - Shaded Relief Map (Purdue University)
- Texas - Shelter Facilities - Federal Children's Shelters in Texas (Texas Tribune)
- Texas - Soil Map (USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service/PCL Map Collection)
- Texas - Soil Map - General Soil Map of Texas, 1973 and Map Verso (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station)
- Texas - Soil Surveys (USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service)
- Texas - South Texas Interactive Map (Texmaps)
- Texas State Library Map Collection Search
- Texas - State Plane Zones [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Superfund Site Maps (TCEQ)
- Texas - Tectonic Map (University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology)
- Texas - Telephone Local Access Transport Areas (LATA) Boundary Map (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
- Texas - Temperature, Mean Annual (State Energy Conservation Office)
- Texas - TNRIS - Texas Natural Resources Information System
- Texas State Library and Archives - Map Collection Search
- Texas - Topographic Maps (Libre Map Project)
- Texas - Topographic Maps (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas and U.S. - Topographic Maps - 1:250,000 Scale Series (University of Texas Map Collection)
- Texas - Trans-Texas Corridor Maps (Corridor Watch)
- Texas - Trans-Texas Corridor - Interstate 69 Possible Routes [11/15/07] (Houston Chronicle)
- Texas - Truck Freight Flow Map (Combined Domestic and International), 1998 (U.S. Federal Highway Administration)
- Texas - Truck Freight Flow Maps (U.S. Federal Highway Administration)
- Texas - Universities - Texas A&M University System (Texas A&M University System)
- Texas - UTM Zones [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Vacation Planning Maps (Action Travel Group)
- Texas - Vegetation/Cover Types (Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas at Austin)
- Texas - Vegetation Types [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Vegetation Types, With Counties and Roads [pdf format] (Texas Parks and Wildlife)
- Texas - Water - Communities With Less Than 90 Days of Water, May 2014 (KHOU/KENS)
- Texas Water Development Board - GIS Data
- Texas Water Development Board - Maps
- Texas - Water - Groundwater Conservation Districts (TCEQ) [pdf format]
- Texas - Water - Hydrography Maps and Data (TCEQ)
- Texas - Water Use Restrictions Map (TCEQ)
- Texas - West Nile Virus Map (USGS)
- Texas - Wet/Dry Alcohol Sales (TABC)
- Texas - Wildfires Map (TICC)
- Texas - Wildlife Refuges (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Internet Archive)
- Texas - Wind Power, East Texas (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
- Texas - Wind Power, West Texas (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
- Texas - Zoonosis Maps (Texas Department of State Health Services, Infectious Disease Control Unit)
Created/Updated: 25.05.2018