
- Leader of enterprise -

Научно-техническое издание по новейшим энергосберегающим и экологически чистым технологиям


  The Research and Development Enterprise "RAPID", LLC, has developed a process for commercial production of structural pig iron of foundry class with the specified hereditary properties reproduced in finished castings.
On customer's request a new type of foundry class pig iron can be produced with a low tendency to chilling (graphitized iron), refined-graphitized for subsequent production of spheroidal-graphite iron, alloyed and micro-alloyed for production of castings to be used in chemical, mining industry, agricultural engineering, for production of pumps, centrifugal pipes etc. 
A radically new approach to quality evaluation and to application properties of pig iron, a wide use of modern methods and materials for out-of-furnace treatment of pig iron make it possible to solve the following essential problems:
· to provide foundry with a new class of charge materials;
· to ensure high quality of finished castings and to reduce the expenses for their production, to improve the in-service reliability of machinery;
· to raise competitive capacity of domestic manufacturers.

"Rapid" Company gives technological recommendations on the most beneficial use of structural pig iron in foundry and makes delivery of structural iron on customer's request.

Please refer at the address:
Shevchenko Avenue 26,
83017б Donetsk
tel.: 38 (062) 345 77 05
fax: 38 (062) 345 77 04

Версия для печати
Автор: Б. Г. Лобанов
P.S. Материал защищён


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Взаимосвязь между квантовой и классической механикой
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Магнитный двигатель
Источник тепла на базе нососных агрегатов

Created/Updated: 25.05.2018
