
Інформаційний маркетинг - Єжова Л.Ф.

Додаток 3. Перелік пошукових систем


1. Ask

2. 411

3. А i R

4. A1 Web

5. AD-Line

6. Adobe Trading Post

7. Adtopia

8. Advanced Web

9. Advantage Solutions

10. AIP

11. Aladin (Only for Germany Region)

12. Alan

13. All World — Site of the Month

14. All World International

15. Alnadeem

16. Alpha Tau

17. Alta Vista

18. Always on the Move

19. Amorn and Siripong

20. Antigoni

21. Anzwers

22. AOSOTD (Only for Adult)

23. APRC General Bazaar Classifieds

24. Aros

25. ArrowWeb

26. AtmosFear

27. Back Door

28. Been There — Done That

29. Ben

30. Beyond Reality

31. Bill

32. Biz Link

33. BizCardz

34. BkLogic WebSpace

35. Brilliant

36. Brunk

37. Bryntze

38. Business Cards Online

39. Business Classifieds

40. Capella

41. Capitol Online Web

42. Casper

43. Center For All Collegiate Information

44. China Business InfoVision

45. Cirrus Nebula

46. City Net

47. Classifieds Online

48. Clever Net

49. Cobleskill

50. Cognegen Telekoм

51. koмmunity

52. Cool Links

53. Cool Page of the Day

54. Cool Site of the Day at InfiNet

55. Crystal Clear

56. Cube Net

57. Custom Logic

58. Cyber Direct

59. Cyber Search Express

60. Cyber Whiz — News

61. Cyber Whiz — Reference

62. Cyber Whiz (Only for Business)

63. Cyber Whiz (Only for koмputing)

64. Cyber Whiz (Only for Education)

65. Cyber Whiz

66. Cyber Whiz

67. Cyber Whiz (Only for Magazines)

68. Cyber Whiz (Only for MLM)

69. Cyber Whiz (Only for Shopping)

70. Cyber Whiz (Only for Sport)

71. Cyber Whiz (Only for Telekoмmunications)

72. Cyber Whiz (Only for Travel)

73. Cyber Whiz

74. Cyberink

75. Damon

76. Danlynde

77. DeltaNet

78. Der Erste deutsche Crawler

79. DGL

80. Diego

81. Digital Tool

82. Dragon Fire

83. Dresser

84. DTP

85. EIT Search

86. Elton

87. Entrepreneurs of the Web

88. Eschwarze

89. Eternal Limits

90. Eule Internet Links

91. EUNet

92. EuroFerret

93. EuroSeek

94. Excite

95. Fame

96. Fido’s Blue Ribbon Sites

97. Fine Arts

98. Flaminio

99. Funnel

100. Galaxy

101. George

102. Gil

103. Global Biz Internet Links

104. Global Highway

105. Go Greece (Only for Greece Region)

106. Herbie

107. Hiway

108. Homeworker

109. Hot Bot

110. Hotlist (Only for Germany Region)

111. HotSpots

112. Indeks

113. InfinityWeb

114. Info Magic

115. Infohiway

116. Infoseek

117. Infoseek (Only for Adult Sites)

118. InfoSpace

119. Inter Dot Net

120. Interwhere

121. Intuitive Web Index

122. iWorld Web Pointer

123. Jacek Korytkowski

124. Jayde

125. Jumper

126. Kaffenberger

127. Ken Reid

128. Khanhdom

129. Kita Lab

130. KKT

131. Klausk

132. Lausd

133. Legend

134. Lejon

135. Lenk

136. Letchworth

137. Lezlisoft

138. LifeStyle

139. LinkMonster

140. Link-O-Matic

141. Links Trading Post

142. Lycos

143. Lycos Germany (Only for Germany Region)

144. Lycos Sweden (Only for Sweden Region)

145. Magellan

146. Mamma

147. Marshall

148. Melen

149. Metroscope

150. Micro Images

151. Miso

152. Montreal Internet Club

153. Montreal Wizard

154. Moose Brothers

155. Myanmar

156. Nando

157. Nedsite

158. Nerd World Media

159. Net Guide

160. Net User

161. Netcreations

162. Netflash

163. Net-Happenings

164. Netsonic

165. Networks On-Line

166. New Rider’s Official WWW Yellow Pages

167. New Wave

168. NightFlight

169. NightFlight (Only for Business)

170. NightFlight (Only for koмputer)

171. NightFlight (Only for Education)

172. NightFlight (Only for Entertainment)

173. NightFlight (Only for Government)

174. No 1 uno (Only for Adult Sites)

175. Noah Hill

176. OpenText

177. Opportunities Only

178. Ordway Net

179. PeekaBoo

180. Plug

181. Potsdam University

182. Random Wheel

183. Ray’s Dynamic

184. Reality Bytes

185. Recyclinx

186. Redbay

187. Ritter

188. RMC Arts (Only for Arts Sites)

189. RMC Books (Only for Books Sites)

190. RMC Business

191. RMC Education

192. RMC Entertainment

193. RMC Internet

194. RMC News

195. Rochester

196. RVL Score

197. Sana Systems

198. Scrub the Web

199. SD Johan

200. SEbridge

201. Seek Business Pages

202. Servers Unlimited

203. Singaporean ConneXion

204. Small Business (Only for Small Business)

205. Spectropolis

206. Starting Point

207. Sustance

208. The Biz

209. TheYellowPages.koм

210. Thousand Points of Sites

211. TNK

212. Tom Shell

213. Too Cool

214. Truby

215. True North

216. TT and А (Only for Adult Sites)

217. Tucker

218. UC Classifieds

219. UC Classifieds — Webbo

220. US Advertiser

221. Utne

222. Vallynet

223. Vermeire

224. Virtual Resources

225. Vormwald

226. Wall O’ Links

227. Wave

228. Web Add

229. Web Magazine

230. Web Maze

231. Web Trawler Search Engine

232. Web Walker

233. WebCrawler

234. Weblink

235. WebNet Media236. WEBtown

237. WebVenture

238. What u Seek

239. What’s New at Coolynx

240. What’s New Too

241. WinMags HotSpots

242. World of Horses

243. World Shoping

244. World Wide Yellow Pages

245. WorldWideMart

246. WWW Sentralen Norge


247. WWW Worm

248. Yahoo

249. Yellow Pages Superhighway

250. Yellow Pages UK


Created/Updated: 25.05.2018
