
Система для игры в рулетку Doozy Dozen

THIS IS A HIT-AND-RUN SYSTEM for quick win or lose. The goal, if you win the first bet, is to win the starting bet six times over in a maximum of five spins - or at least lose nothing.

Supposing you win the first 5 unit bet; if you then have two straight losses, you get even with the bank. In all other cases your net win will be 3 or 30 units (still supposing you won the first bet). This is achieved by a delicately calculated series of bets where the first winning is your "entrance" to the system. The net win is now 10 units and this is going to last for two bets; the first one being 4 units and the next 6 units - no matter if you win or lose. If both bets are lost you gained nothing but your bankroll is as before. If the first bet is won and the second lost, you won 8 units so you have 12. Bet 9 of those 12; if win you get 30 if lost you keep the 3 left-overs.

If the first bet is lost and the second won, you have 18 units. Bet 6 and if you win, you have a net win of 30, if lost you still have 12 units and is able to bet 9 (keeping 3 if lost, getting a total net of 30 if you win). And last, if you win both bets, you have made a net of 30 units in three spins...

Of course you have to provide a way to "predict" the outcomes, to decide where to bet, as your success is depending on that but the system itself can take some losses, as we will see.

Now, here is the complete description and an example of the system in action:

STEP 1: Bet 5 units
If you LOSE, well... two out of three you will...
If you WIN, you go to Step 2

STEP 2: Bet 4 units
If you LOSE, you go to Step 3
If you WIN, you go to Step 4

STEP 3: Bet 6 units
If you LOSE, you broke even. Take a break and try again later...
If you WIN, you go to Step 4

STEP 4: Bet 6 units
If you LOSE, you go to Step 5
If you WIN, you have a 30 units profit - that's 600% interest! Walk.

STEP 5: Bet 9 units
If you LOSE, you have a 3 units profit - that's 60% interest! Take a walk, relax and then - you decide!
If you WIN, you have a 30 units profit - that's 600% interest! Walk.

Let's try it... (Casino Baden, Austria, June 26th 1996, 2:57 pm)

Betting 1 Dozen + 1 Column
Betting The one BEFORE LAST outcome
Need to wait two spins, in start and after zero (also between sessions if not 1 spin only)
Playing a few sessions only to show how it works

Rec Spin: Recorded spin number
Bet Dz: Bet Dozen
Bet Cl: Bet Column
Bet Us: Bet Units on Dozen/column
Win: Winning number
DRst: Positive or negative result of Dozen bet
DSTot: Running total for the Dozen session
DGTot: Grand total after each Dozen session
CRst: Positive or negative result of Column bet
CSTot: Running total for the Column session
CGTot: Grand total after each Column session

Spin Bet Dz Bt Us Bet Cl Bet Us Win D/C DRst DSTot DGTot CRst STot CGTot
1         26 3/2            
2         30 3/2            
3 3 5 2 5 4 1/1 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5
4 3 5 3 5 4 1/1 -5 -5 -10 -5 -5 -10
5 1 5 1 5 16 2/1 -5 -5 -15 +10 +10  
6 1 5 1 4 8 1/2 +10 +10   -4 +6  
7 2 4 1 6 19 2/1 +8 +18   +12 +18  
8 1 6 2 6 18 2/3 -6 +12   -6 +12  
9 2 9 1 9 10 1/1 -9 +3 -12 +18 +30 +20
10         26 3/2            
11         0              
12         32 3/2            
13         23 2/2            
14 3 5 2 5 9 1/3 -5 -5 -17 -5 -5 +15
15 2 5 2 5 14 2/2 +10 +10   +10 +10  
16 1 4 3 4 12 1/3 +8 +18   +8 +18  
17 2 6 2 6 20 2/2 -12 +30 +30 +12 +30 +45
18         26 3/2            
19         7 1/1            
20 3 5 2 5 23 2/2 -5 -5 +8 +10 +10  
21 1 5 1 4 35 3/2 -5 -5 +3 -4 +6  
22 2 5 2 6 35 3/2 -5 -5 -2 +12 +18  
23 3 5 2 6 31 3/1 +10 +10   -6 +12  
24 3 4 2 9 23 2/2 -4 +6 +12 +30 +75  

...and the next bet for the Dozens would be 6 units on dozen №3 etc.

This was a nice result but of course it will not always be this good. The result will depend on the hit-rate of your betting decisions, of course, but I suggest you try this one out - on paper - using your own spins.

Happy Gambling!
Mr Oops

Anyone using this system do so under the obligation that, in case of winning, a donation must willingly and easily be done to charity (of your own choice)!

Or you will rarely get past Step 3...

Дата створення/оновлення: 25.05.2018
